Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

A journey to healing from complex trauma.

In therapy, to deal with all the people who should be in therapy.


There is so much truth in this.

I’ve been subject to so many people’s issues – they have projected onto me. I had soft boundaries, I was vulnerable, I had no self worth – I was the perfect victim/prey. I have suffered massively in my life due to other peoples ‘issues’.

My childhood was totally fucked up because of everyone else’s deep mental health issues. I continued to be re-victimised and didn’t know I should stop it, I believed I deserved it.

I said to my doctor recently that I see clearly that probably 90% of society needs therapy for their issues – most of whom have no clue they even have issues – they think they are fine, normal. But, I see clearly the cognitive distortions, unwise thinking.

Learning all about this, has been a massive enlightenment with putting together all have seen and known through my life, with psychology understanding.

I see issues everywhere, always have. Now I know why. Discernment is a strength, some do learn from so much abuse.

I’ve been dealing with other people’s issues, the consequences of their issues, all my life. I don’t want to anymore. I’ve had many lifetimes of other people’s issues. I am truly done with it. I’m exhausted from it. And no matter what anyone else thinks, I am okay with feeling this way.

I ‘don’t’ need anyone else’s permission to be done with other people’s issues that they don’t/won’t see, or accept.

I will just continue to help those who do know they need to heal, people like me, who know the have PTSD etc and are brave and courageous and honest to know this.

~ Lilly Hope Lucario

All blogs written by Lilly Hope Lucario and subject to © Copyright Protected.

All rights reserved. No part of any entry/blog, may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the name of the author – Lilly Hope Lucario and a clear link back to this blog –  https://healingfromcomplextraumaandptsd.wordpress.com/

This includes adaptations in all forms of media.

Author: Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

I am a survivor of complex and multiple trauma and abuse, who at the age of 40, began my healing journey. I am using my journey to recovery and healing, to help others, to help survivors feel less alone, validated, encouraged and to enable others to understand themselves more. Complex trauma, particularly from severe, prolonged childhood abuse, is profoundly life changing. Complex trauma produces complex adults. The journey to recovery is a painful, often lonely, emotional daily challenge and it is my aim to encourage others in their daily battle. ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

4 thoughts on “In therapy, to deal with all the people who should be in therapy.

  1. It is now Dec 2015, and I see this post, is still relevant to my journey. This blog post, was when I was really seeing boundaries as being needed.

    I am also aware my discernment to seeing distorted thinking, red flags, dodgy motivations etc, is a skill I have learned, due to my life. This has been confirmed in counselling.

    Now, I do have more healthy boundaries, more self esteem/worth and know it is needed, to keep away from anything/anyone unhealthy.

    It’s good and needed self care. And I apply it now, on a consistent basis.

    Which is all growth and healing. It can be done.

  2. Reblogged this on letlightilluminatethetruththatlurksinthedarkness and commented:
    Exactly how I feel. I wake up exhausted every day. Unfortunately, both of my parents had an abusive childhood. My childhood wasn’t full of abuse necessarily. The ramifications of my parents childhood trauma found it’s way into my life. Then the sociopathic/psycho boy who insisted on being my boyfriend & wouldn’t take no for an answer appeared. I miss the guy I fell in love with before Mr. Psycho showed up. I miss him so much it hurts. I’m tired of having to deal with my own heartache & other people’s. It’s truly exhausting…

  3. Pingback: In therapy, to deal with all the people who should be in therapy. | hippygurl61's Blog

  4. Thankyou for sharing this Lily, it gave me strength today. I have been setting boundaries for the first time in my life at 26yrs old , it’s been really challenging and also painful , but the healing that is following these decisions..I wish I had done this sooner .