Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

A journey to healing from complex trauma.

Seeing things positively, through the eyes of a little child.


My 4 year old, is teaching me how to really enjoy the little things in life.

Watching his amazement, excitement and joyful, wondrous delight in so much around him, is really special to experience with him.

Never disregard what children instinctively know better than we as adults know.

My son really understands how to love and delight in all the little things around him, his big beautiful eyes wide and sparkling as he raptures about the things that bring him such joy.

We lose this innocent, pure, thankful heart as we get older.

We lose that ability to see all the beauty around us.

I want to gain that back, take great delight in all the little things, be so thankful for them and to notice them.

I want to be excited about the plant in the yard flowering, the cloud that looks like a fish, the new and free playground my children are delighted in, the lost item that has been found again, the smell of the rain, the cute puppy we saw today.

I truly believe delighting in the little things every day and be truly thankful for them, helps heal a broken heart, helps lesson the pain of grieving and ease a troubled mind.

I know when I see things the way my son does, when I recapture a little of the innocence stolen from me so young, it brings joy into my heart.

And I want this more, for everyone who needs it.

Author: Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

I am a survivor of complex and multiple trauma and abuse, who at the age of 40, began my healing journey. I am using my journey to recovery and healing, to help others, to help survivors feel less alone, validated, encouraged and to enable others to understand themselves more. Complex trauma, particularly from severe, prolonged childhood abuse, is profoundly life changing. Complex trauma produces complex adults. The journey to recovery is a painful, often lonely, emotional daily challenge and it is my aim to encourage others in their daily battle. ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

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