Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

A journey to healing from complex trauma.

My Stepfather Was Part Of A Sex Offender/Pedophile Ring ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

My mother married my stepfather when I was 6. I remember always being very uneasy around him. I never felt safe. Even at around 8 years old – I used to hang a chime on my bedroom door handle, so I would wake up if someone came in my room.

They went on to have 2 children, one 7 years younger than me, one 10 years younger than me. I loved them like they were my own children and cared for them often more than our mother.

My stepfather made a lot of inappropriate comments about my body as a child and teenager. He would often walk in the bathroom while I was showering. We weren’t allowed to lock the door. He told me I should walk around the house in my underwear, because it was no different to swim wear. I knew this was wrong but couldn’t explain why. Now I know – underwear has a sexual connection to it.

As a young teenager, he would make very inappropriate comments about my friends’ bodies and comments such as ‘how’s your love life’. It was incredibly embarrassing, and one friend refused to come to my home because of him. She said her parent’s banned her from coming to my house. It was mortifying.

He used to take baths with my 2-year-old sister. (Maybe she was 3 – I’m not entirely sure of the age). He commented once that she used his penis to lift herself out of the bath. My mother laughed. My mother witnessed all of his behaviors and laughed. This is child sexual abuse. I was told in counseling this is extremely abusive and there was no doubt more abuse than I actually knew about, as I was only 12 or 13 at that time.

His friends were equally disturbing.

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