Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

A journey to healing from complex trauma.

Reactive Abuse – Another Form Of Toxic Manipulation ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

Posters – How To Identify Toxic People ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

Everyone They Come Into Contact With – Is A Victim Of A Pathological, Delusional & Character Disordered Person ~ Lilly Hope Lucario



When someone lives in a delusional place of pretending they are a nice person – when really they are the opposite – everyone is their victim.

This includes their partners, children, family, friends, co-workers, therapist etc. Everyone.

Because every single person they are in any contact with is being lied to.

Every person does not know the real character.

Every person is being duped, conned, manipulated, lied to.

I’ve learned this well from the toxic people I have been groomed and manipulated by and seeing how they con and manipulate everyone else too.

And they truly believe they deserve no consequences and are completely okay with continuing on this manipulation. Which shows their lack of remorse, lack of conscience or desire to change.

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