Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

A journey to healing from complex trauma.


Narcissists, Psychopaths etc – Love To Shit All Over Anything Good For Their Victims

I had something really exciting happen today. A photographer I love has given me the opportunity to watch her work and process sales, all through all her Christmas sessions. The amount I will learn from this is considerable. It is such an amazing opportunity for me, and one good thing happening in my life right now.

When I told my husband, his immediate reaction and look on his face was absolutely resentment. Then he made it ‘all about him’ and negative, by nastily saying, that ‘he’ might not be able to get all ‘his’ shifts sorted around ‘all these dates’. Like I was doing something wrong to ‘him’. Because in his putrid mind – it’s always ‘all about him’. And it’s complete BS, because these dates are enough in advance of the shifts being worked out. He has stated many times his shifts can be worked around any dates that family members need for work or other appointments Plus, he has stacks of annual leave he has to take.

He wanted to make this an immediate negative and make me feel badly about wanting to do this. He wanted me to feel badly about something good for me.

Interestingly, when I told him I don’t care what he needs to do – I’m doing the photography thing and he better get it sorted so he can take care of our young son, he got the time off agreed immediately, with no issues to him at all.

It  was such a clear example of what his heart and soul are truly all about. You scratch the surface and there is nothing but blackness.

He abused me for 17 years – emotionally, psychologically and sexually (all confirmed in counselling as such) – which absolutely led to my breakdown 5 years ago and now my deteriorating physical health, and yet he still resents anything good for me. And clearly has zero remorse or shame for what he has done.

Just an ongoing need to make my life worse. As he has done for 17 years.

And just to kick me more – when he’s already kicked me down – he chose to make a joke this afternoon about all the abuse he’s subjected to. He thinks abuse is funny. He wanted me to know that he thinks all the abuse he subjected me too – is funny to him.

He totally shat all over my only light in this shit life, home and environment I am forced to have to live in, because I am too ill to leave.

I’m going into hospital on Thursday – due to serious life threatening health issues – he is largely the cause of………. and he can’t be happy or even okay – for the one good thing happening in my life right now. Continue reading


Talking About The Heinous Abuse Caused By People With Personality Disorders – Is Not Increasing Mental Illness Stigma ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

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Talking about the abuse, suffering and harm caused by people with personality disorders – is NOT increasing ‘mental illness stigma’.

Do not dare to try to silence abuse survivors as this is more abuse.

Personality disorders are not an excuse to abuse people.

I do not promote hate, revenge or retaliation – but I do promote the truth about how heinous their abuse is to endure.

Many victims kill themselves due to their heinous abuse. And some victims are killed by these personality disordered people.

The abuse must be discussed.

And info about these people so victims won’t be targeted again. Continue reading

Reactive Abuse – Another Form Of Toxic Manipulation ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

Posters – How To Identify Toxic People ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

Everyone They Come Into Contact With – Is A Victim Of A Pathological, Delusional & Character Disordered Person ~ Lilly Hope Lucario



When someone lives in a delusional place of pretending they are a nice person – when really they are the opposite – everyone is their victim.

This includes their partners, children, family, friends, co-workers, therapist etc. Everyone.

Because every single person they are in any contact with is being lied to.

Every person does not know the real character.

Every person is being duped, conned, manipulated, lied to.

I’ve learned this well from the toxic people I have been groomed and manipulated by and seeing how they con and manipulate everyone else too.

And they truly believe they deserve no consequences and are completely okay with continuing on this manipulation. Which shows their lack of remorse, lack of conscience or desire to change.

Continue reading

Expert Opinion – Subclinical Psychopaths = 5-15% Of Population

Very interesting reading, and in my life experiences, these ‘subclinical psychopaths’ are far more common than is realised.

I believe many highly narcissistic people, also meet the criterion for psychopath/subclinical psychopath.

And I believe the insight of experts in the field, as opposed to your non expert general mental health professionals.
