Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

A journey to healing from complex trauma.

Is all mental illness – being possessed by the devil?


Being a Christian and moving in Church circles, the good old question of ‘demonic’ possession had raised it’s ugly head.

Yes, there are Bible verses that talk of what could be considered to be mental illness, this being of the schizophrenic, psychotic type of mental health, where people do appear to be taken over by evil forces and want to kill people etc , think they are someone they are not, hear voices in their heads and do things based upon the demands heard.

I am NOT saying this is demonic possession, but it does appear to be more like what is talked of Biblically and Jesus did ‘cast out demons’.

I have been called ‘demonic’ by someone at my Church. It was said out of anger, out of spite and as defence in their own sinful behaviour, To focus on my ‘mental health’ in some way in their heads ‘excuses lies, hiding things and a few other sinful things’. To take the focus away from their sins and attack, is a good form of defence for weak people, with no courage and little self reflection and clear hearts issues. “Everybody lies’ was one of their excuses. Well, I don’t. But liars often believe everyone must lie if they do.

My PTSD did not cause their sin. My PTSD did not cause them to lie, and lie by omission and hide things and try to cover up their own failures and sins.

My PTSD did, however, ‘know’ there was something wrong, how situations had been handled badly and weirdly and how attitudes and behaviours had changed and my hyper vigilance is a ‘gift’ from God, not demonic possession.

My PTSD and my trauma history also has given me the ability to self reflect deeply, I know my failings, I get hurt too deeply and I don’t act with grace when defending myself against lies and sin. Yes this may be sinful, but it is not demonic possession.

BUT, my PTSD and trauma, has given me the discipline for truth and honesty because I needed this to survive. Again another ‘gift’ from God.

I have PTSD, but this does not mean I am demonic or possessed by the devil. I do not need an exorcism, but I do need to people to tell the truth, because if you don’t, I will know and I will stand up for myself.

My emotion control is not good, as previous harm and suffering can be triggered, BUT, at all times I remain conscious, I do not become psychotic, and I do not hear voices and I do not become dishonest, or want to hurt people. In fact I have compassion for the people who have abused me, because I know their lives were horrible for them, even though they cannot see that.

I have the need to let people who hurt me know, the truth, but the truth is what I have the integrity to remain focussed on.

People who could be considered to be demonically possessed, don’t tell the truth. Because Satan wants lies to be told.

People who tell lies, are image needy and only tell half stories, to maintain their image and make someone else look bad, they are not demonic either. They are sinning, but not demonic, although some could say they are possessed by the devil as the lies come out of their mouth. But, I don’t believe that. Most people sin and sadly, most people lie, especially when under pressure and their images and ego’s are exposed.

Some Christians could argue that mental illness that causes psychotic episodes, hearing voices and causes people to believe they are someone else, are possessed by the devil.

I am NOT Jesus, so I will not say that is true, or isn’t true. And neither can ANY sinful man on this Earth.

So, for any Christians who want to make demonic references, or consider themselves to be like Jesus to make these claims – please know, you are highly deluded to believe you know whether it is mental illness, or demonic possession.

Jesus, or God, you are not.

Author: Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD

I am a survivor of complex and multiple trauma and abuse, who at the age of 40, began my healing journey. I am using my journey to recovery and healing, to help others, to help survivors feel less alone, validated, encouraged and to enable others to understand themselves more. Complex trauma, particularly from severe, prolonged childhood abuse, is profoundly life changing. Complex trauma produces complex adults. The journey to recovery is a painful, often lonely, emotional daily challenge and it is my aim to encourage others in their daily battle. ~ Lilly Hope Lucario

11 thoughts on “Is all mental illness – being possessed by the devil?

  1. You’ve been nominated for the Liebster Blog award for bloggers.
    Look at my post “This is about nominations…” Down the page a ways is a statement in light blue
    Again, you have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award. Please follow the directions after the OKAY ROUND TWO.
    Thanks for helping me and congratulations.
    If this is unclear let me know.
    Thanks again

  2. I appreciate how you deal with the events that happen for us at an emotional level. Even though we have differing perspectives of the ideas of a power greater than ourselves, we both suffered from things that should not have happened to children like us. Like Joseph Campbell said, “Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble.”
    That is the only point where I think we would disagree.

    • I think having had a bad childhood, with many lies and much harm caused, it makes us know we need to strongly focus on the truth and not allow what we know isn’t true to be said. I believe fully in my God, as I have had too much evidence of His intervention throughout my life. I know what I am capable of in my own strength and I know the continuing changes in me and in my life, are God’s work, not mine, so I credit Him fully with this praise.
      But, I also believe we are given free will to make our decisions, as to what we believe and what we don’t.
      I have tried to work out how to follow the blog awards nomination process, and spent an hour trying to figure it out, but I’m not very technically minded and have given up at the moment!
      But, I will try again tomorrow 🙂

  3. Pingback: Legion | Entertaining Angels

  4. Great website! I am loving it!! Will be back later to read some more. I am taking your feeds also.

  5. Pingback: Demon Possession: Alfio Anthony Granata Claim Demon Possession Made Him Do it | End Times Prophecy Report

  6. I wish I knew who wrote that story……I went through the same thought process with my experience which resulted in PTSD…..it was hurt caused by humans but Satan and his demons definitely saw it as a way in…..It is written that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms…..and it is true in my healing that my mind is being renewed in the best way possible and that’s of course through God…..after the enemy tears you down to nothing, after all it is a spiritual war. My son returned from boot camp in Georgia from the U.S. Army and explained how they yelled and kicked them around so that they could make them be who they wanted them to be…..makes sense. I was scared and hearing demons for 18 months…….my entire life was ripped away, including my ability to function..I never was given such a beautiful gift than the ability to be rebuilt the right way taught by God and his word……I was never alone through this at all, He had a better plan then I could of ever understood till now…..I am still healing but I know that God has given us a promise of a spirit of no fear and a sound mind. Everything bad that happens gives us a beautiful opportunity to show Jesus how much we trust him and love him……

  7. This is very important for me to hear. I’d rather saddened by truth- Father of the Skies than bewildered by untruth- Father of the Lies. I celebrate here your baptismal date and know by your blog you are and will continue to be a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ who came and was crucified for all his children. May the Lord’s light shine on the real evil so may also be saved. All the peace and blessings you hopefully feel. Your friend in Christ. Jhon